Monday, November 19, 2007

Monday Monday...

I don't remember the rest of the words. Anyhoo, its Monday at any rate and it was a good weekend.
This morning started out well except for this weird noise that shook the house. Like a boom. It was a what The F? moment and HM left the bed to investigate. There was nothing. Sonic boom? Very odd. So, I got up too thinking the tree had fallen on the car? Or something exploded? But nope, nada. Then I crawled into Cammie's bed where he was still sleeping to snuggle and wake him up for school. Why is it that kids wake early everyday except Monday? Cammie (Thing 2) is usually up early but man he's a bear if you have to wake him. We snuggled and talked and joked and finally everyone was up. Ben(Thing 1) was today's early riser. When the kids were getting dressed after breakfast all hell broke loose with the squabbling and yelling. So much for a happy morning!
I just googled Thing 2's #1 Xmas gift wish and holy crap! 120 bucks...I think NOT. Stupid cool toys and their commercials. No wonder I haven't been able to find it in the stores...I don't think its being stocked!
Let's see...what else is on what I call my mind....
Oh! The workshop. Very cool.
The facilitators I had met before and was very glad to meet again. There were a couple of people there that I knew though we hadn't seen one another for awhile. J was a student with me at Crescent Moon 2 years ago and R is a former student and a teacher with Crescent Moon though she's not teaching this term. It was great to see them. There were a lot more people attending than I had expected and one woman even travelled by train from Quebec City to attend. Amazing. We listened to the facilitators explain the class and its focuses,contacted our power andimals/familiars/totems for aid, cast a circle(this was a Wiccan themed course) and then partnered up to practice each step of the technique. Assessment, unruffling, treatment, reassessment, grounding. How long should a session last? Average timespan, for the aged, for the very very ill, etc. How to bring the elements into the ttreatment for specific problems or findings. Long distance TT was discussed. Ethics of healing. Self healing. My partner says her problem knee felt much better after my treatment. She focused a treatment on my congested ear and I could very much feel it. Shivery!LOL.
One of the facilitators originally learned TT in University during her nurses training 20 years ago. With time and the practice that she has had she finds she can often distinguish between different types of energy or aura upsets..emotional, physical, mental... Very interesting. A Reiki master was in attendence to learn something new and raised the question...We need permission to work a healing but do we also have the right to refuse to do a healing? What was the opinion on that and how does one refuse? There are energy vampires out there who knowingly or unknowingly drain one of energy or vitality. Have you ever met someone who just makes you tired when you are with them? as if they have just drained everything from you and left you wiped out from their very prescence? They are maybe very needy, or clingy, a chronic complainer, or very nice but somehow just sucks you dry of the will to be. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? These are drainers and you can shield yourself if you know how. They may come to leave you alone when they don't get what they need. Or maybe you need to distance yourself from the person. You may unwittingly be doing it already! Isn't the human instinct amazing? I digress...sometimes these types of people seek healing for their energy fix and the ethics of healing/refusing was the question/comment. Very interesting! And there are people who do not want healing when they seem in need of it which is why one needs permission. To work a healing without is breaking respect and compassion for another and healing is not about that. Some people need that pain/illness/experience for a reason that is unknowable to us . We are all shaped by our experiences and that makes us what we are. Also, somepeople LIKE being unwell because it brings them something they need, like attention, sympathy,....
So, my question remains... should I go forward and become a certified TTist? I am considering it though this is only to be a recognised practitioner get even more in depth knowledge...I can do it now without certification. How "official" should one make it if its really not necessary to do the technique on your own? Its not like there are openings out there for TTists on Workopolis. Anyways, its a pretty handy skill to have and the more you work with energy the more adept you become (practice makes perfect).
Enough about this now.
Today's line-up includes much laundry. It was all caught up and now its not. ARGH. I should vacuum too and do the bathrooms AGAIN. My girlfriend Julie always says she needs"people" rich folk have "people". People for cooking and cleaning and doing all the crap one is far to important or busy to do. maybe I needs me some people too! Cuz I am surely tired of de-germing bathrooms and vacuuming crumbs and fur, and washing dirty clothes for folk who never say thank you. Not that I ever did either I suppose but STILL that is NOT the point. Am I right? Or just whistling in the wind as usual? Probably the latter. As usual. ;oP

1 comment:

Tara said...

Regarding your question whether or not you should become certified, speaking as a layman, I know I'd feel more confident receiving treatment from someone who was "certified" rather than someone who had "taken a class". Maybe just a question of semantics, but there you go...