Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Wednesdays are so blah now that I don't have class. I have lots of laundry piled up on the floor next to my bed so maybe I should tackle that so I have something to wear in the days to come.
Valentine's day is coming. Richard asked where I want to go out. I don't! Its on a Tuesday and we get up early with the kids, they have homework etc. Naaah. I wanna stay home. BUT he is VERY welcome to arrive home with any GIFTS he feels would be appropriate. ahem. hint hint
I'm on chapter 14 of Bonewits's Essential Guide To Witchcraft and Wicca. Very readable fellow that Bonewits.
So how about those low fat diet findings?? HA! See? NOTHING is accurate when it comes to diet etc. Its so annoying.
At least now I will enjoy my butter with less guilt..and bacon..mmmmmmmmmmmbacon. I love the low carb lifestyle but lately I have been craving carbs like mad and so have been eating unreasonable amounts of those baby carrots you get in bags. They are like candy for me. Can't stop with 3 or four. Munch munch munch and before I know it the bag is empty. ooops. I guess its better than chips or cookies. I think the weight loss has plateaued again. I need more activity I'm sure. Skiing once a week and then sleeping it off for the remaining 6 days isn't cutting it. I wanted to join Curves but Richard needs exercise too so I said "Lets get that machine you wanted" I think its an elliptical trainer he saw at Canadian Tire. He better get his ass in gear and go get it! HA! valentines day gift to us BOTH! I loved Curves when I went a few years ago and man does iit WORK. In two months I lost 14 inches and could see the results very quickly on my tummy and back. But then life got in the way and I had to stop... I just suggested that machine for Valentines to him..he sounds unimpressed. LOL
Well...I have nothing insightful or interesting to say so I guess I'll go mosey around the house. Our Coffee machine simply does NOT make enough coffeee for both of us to have our morning cuppas and to get my motor going. Maybe a 12 cupper next time. dumdeedum....
Maybe I'll go doodle garden plans. Richard might actually spring for a magnolia this year.....

1 comment:

Chuck said...

Wow, you have a awesome blog.

Happy Valentines to you!