Sunday, October 26, 2008


The Icky seems to be receeding as of this morning. My fever broke through the night and my head no longer feels like a sinus based explosion through my eyeballs is imminent. This is a good thing because I have a shitpile of stuff to do thanks to being away last weekend and sick as a dog for 4 days.
LAUNDRY!!! Massive piles of it and mostly mine for some reason.
Vacuuming! If these dust bunnies get too much bigger I will be fearing for my life. And once vacuumed away, it appears that my floors are in a scary state of EEEEW!
I once-overed the bathrooms this week but they could use a down and dirty scrubbing I am sure but that can wait until tomorrow. Lysol wipes can only take care of so much.

HALLOWEEN is THIS FRiday and my kids are relatively costumeless still. HMan took care of Ben's (sort of) last weekend by purchasing the accessories every pirate needs but the main costume (pants, shirt, sash, vest) is left to me to come up with. Cameron didn't know what he wanted to be but now claims he has to be The Grim Reaper. We are discussing face paint over that horrible, comfort, fun for Mommy.... After some chores and homework we will hit the costumery for a robe though I am SURE I could whip one up. Its all about easy this year since I only have 4 days left. My house is totally undecorated this year. Remember last years tombstones, lights, spider webs and homemade ghost? Nope...not this year. Not even any pumpkins yet, thats how far behind I have fallen. I suck. Better buy treats too, now that I think about it.
On the mitten front: Ben's are done (did I mention that?) and when he showed them off to the kid across the street he suggested that maybe I would make some for him for Xmas.. WTF??? Shaddup kiddo!
Cameron's flip top Instant Mittens are just past the thumb of mitten one. I got the wrist and below the thumb finished while I waited in the cinema lobby for Beverly Hills Chihuahua to be done, wishing for Advil strong enough for my sinus head ache and earplugs (that joint is LOUD, man).
I asked for Dad's favourite colour today (Blue) and then was asked if I was "going to be making him something he'll never wear". ??? Isn't he sweet? See where my snark comes from?? Its hereditary.
Maybe while out I can convince the kids to let me swing by Ginette's for Daniel's birthday and to peruse the blue wools. I think Baldy (aka DAD) deserves a thrummed toque for snow shovelling as well as the mittens. ;OD

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