I am plumb wore out from being so cute!!!!! Sleepy time......... Brush brush brush...brush brush brush..... Love me! Adore me! I am a cutie patootie! THUMBS!!!!!! Fuzzy little Monkey kitten thumbs.
Don't you want to touch my Monkey? How adorable is he anyways??! Irresistable , green eyed thumbyness.
Hmm.. matter of debate. Pet shop said he was 2 months old when I got him 2 weeks ago but he seemed younger since he seemed to be looking for nursing and wasn't using the litter box. He is now very litter savvy, thank gods.
Very cute kitty. How old?
Hmm.. matter of debate. Pet shop said he was 2 months old when I got him 2 weeks ago but he seemed younger since he seemed to be looking for nursing and wasn't using the litter box. He is now very litter savvy, thank gods.
Oh my god! your children look so much like you that it is ADORABLE!!! Not to mention that beautiful kitten!
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