These are photos that have been languishing in the camera for a month(some of them anyways). Two pictures are from Aunty Jessie's visit, the day we hit the Bio-Dome in Montreal. On the Metro and in a Metro station. The other pictures aren't so good (I need a camera that you just point it and shoot). The picture of myself and the 'man are from Monday's sojourn to the Botanical Gardens, and the sweater photo is a process shot...what it looked like as I was finishing the yoke, still armpitless and un-steeked. The colours show up really well though so here it is.
My ass hurts. Not exactly ass...left hip and lower back and radiating down through the leg. that pretty much ass though, right? Valerie of the magical chiropractor skillz worked on it yesterday (yes...I did whimper more than a grown woman should) and I think I need to ice it today because I stil hurt (to touch the knotted area she worked on is very uncomfortable so noone touch me there ok?). I also may need massage for this one. My dentist's office has massge for patients...can you dig that? FREE for patients! If you have a Dent- Spa in your neck of the woods, you must try them. Its like one stop and orthodontia (did I mention Ben requires braces now? Oy.) I think there is tanning and also, the massage. Which my back really really wants. And my leg. I don't think I will ask to have my ass cheek massaged because they may think I'm pervy not pained. I am so calling today. Should book an appointment to get those last fillings replaced too. Been working up the courage for that for 2 years now. Last one (right side) was so owwie it too 8 weeks for it to stop hurting. I really should get on that. SIGH.....
Today is effin' GORGEOUS!!! The air smells all springtimey fresh and nice and the forecast is for sun and some heat (28 degrees!). You know what that means riiighht? Thats right! Laundry!!! Also, tomato planting. Thats right. I am getting down with my bad self and plantin' me some 'maters ( "Quebec 5" Tomatoes that are soing splendidly). They are fully hardenmed off now after a few days and nights outside.
I will also order soil and mulch today too. Hman keeps telling me to do it and I keep putting it off due to the expense but if these vegetable beds are going to get planted and produce some food for us, I need lots of dirt first. Hope they can deliver ASAP.
Let's see....what else....
That about covers all our news exceptforthedogranawayandisgoneforever.
The Dog What?
You get MASSAGES at the dentist? Damn.
Oh, oh oh oh. That doesn't sound good. It's been a week for stuff like that.
Hot damn. Your boys are lookers! Hey, do you believe in arranged marriages? LMOL
Blossom ran away??? What?
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