Why? Because the boys are in this English reading program at lunchtime so that means I have the whole day, from the time they leave til the time they get home after shool, to MYSELF. Oh sweet UNINTERRUPTED peace and quiet how I have missed you. And what did I do so far? I slept.
Sad but terribly true, but I am exhausted from no sleeping in this weekend, and y'know how I loves my sleepin' in. We had early rising company visiting so we were good hosts and got up to make coffee and be sociable even though my sociable doesn't kick in til later. Sunday we took advantage of the getting up for guests to go to Ikea EARLY (unheard of!). By 11:30 we were back in the car with...ahem...a lot of stuff. 2 new dressers for our bedroom to deal with the ugly dresser and drawer shortage. A new laundry hamper of which I say we need about 50 to deal with the dirty laundry this house creates but oh well, we got one. A low table/coffee table thing to go next to my knitting chair, a duvet. a duvet cover, curtains, rods, finials, brackets, coordinating pillows....oh and lightbulbs. The car was packed. As soon as we were home and unpacked HM started assembly. this was a disaster for the largest bureau because the parts weren't right at all. Holes and pegs and drawer bottom slots did not line up. The half assembled bureau went back into the car with the smi assembled drawers and went back to Ikea. Oh and smaller bureau was perfect...but big bureau was seriously f%cked up. HM returned home with new boxes of bureau and by bedtime had it assembled. It looks lovely. We moved the antique loveseat from the dormer window nook to the end of the bed and put small dresser in its place. Tall dresser is where my white one had been. I washed the new duvet cover and the throw pillow covers and the assembled it all on the bed. Holy warmness!! That one duvet (the 365 duvet(year round)) is warmer than the two blankets it has replaced together. I was seriously warm...too warm. But its so poofy ... Today sleeping it was like nestling in to a comforting burrow. Aaaaahhhhh...
We went skiing on Saturday which was ok. i only managed one run thanks to the foot cramps from my boots and the terror that alpine skiing has for me now. In 2006 I was coming along very well! I was exhilerated and enjoyed it and did several runs each trip. Now I am terrified the whole time that I am going too fast and the other people are going too fast and they are going to crash into me I just know it and Godds why do skis have to be so f&cking FAST..... Going slow and VERY controled is tiring on the ol' quads lemme tell you. I spent the rest of the afternoon knitting...or trying to. Devising stranded knit earflaps for a project. I got both done and when home attached them into the cast on BACKWARDS...had to rip and re-cast on Sunday. I was just too tired saturday night(see above about no sleeping in) when the problem arose.
So that, in a nutshell is why today is my new favourite day. I sleep in, I do SFA more or less althought I do have a load of laundry in the washer now an will be doing at least one more, I will most likely knit or clean the kitchen too. And I suppose supper should be thought of....
Until I meet the boys for their 4 PM hair cuts, my time is my own.
1 comment:
LOL! I feel exactly the same way about alpine skiing. I haven't been in, oh, 15 years, but I've got to tell you: whoever thought that strapping one's feet to two wooden strips and then barreling down a mountain at the speed of sound was definitely F#$%ed up...
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