Saturday, January 19, 2008

Friggity Diggity Doo

Which is exactly what I got done today...nothing. I slept in, talked to my mom, got ready to go to the ski hill, knit in the bar after we got our pass photos done (got almost nothing done thanks to Frak ups following my mitten chart). Came home and made an Indian recipe from my Xmas Gift cookbook for supper while HM got the kids KFC. They never in a million would eat Minced Lamb and Peas with saffron rice and raita. It was very good and also very easy if you have all the spices etc. Next time I will up the chili powder or green chilis. I used the last of my cumin seed too and they weren't real fresh so they lacked a certain sum'n sum'n.
Now I am tired. I stayed out too late last night. It was Friday night knitting at Effiloche and after I drove my knit pal Dana home, we had a vissie at her place just the two of us. It was nice to see her apartment and borrow her knitting book, see her stashlette. I paid for it though because after I got home, I couldn't go right to bed (it was way after midnight) and I stayed up reading until after 2 am. I am tired and cranky because of PMS too. Oh, the heads I could have joyfully torn loose from bodies today for practically NO REASON except I had a low simmering rage going all afternoon. Awful. Sorry for being me , World. Tomorrow will most likely be better.

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