Tuesday, March 14, 2006


I am just so sleepy. After Cammie went to school today I curled up on the sofa and went back to sleep. Had a 2 hour nap yesterday afternoon after Richard came back home from work because he was just too sick to stay. Ben busied himself with TV and computer while I slept this morning. He's feverish and coughing but not terribly sick. I've had 2 cups of coffee and I still want to curl up for more sleep.
The cough is practically gone today. Sinuses fairly clear as well. I am definitely nOT sick. But still so tired. Don't want to do any chores or projects or anything.
I don't think this is just my laziness.
Filled out an order for 3 packs of seeds from Terra Edibles. Superfantastic tomatoes, Sugar Snap peas, and Grandpa Ott's Morning Glories.
I am so sick of winter I could cry. I need some sun. A chair in the sun to snooze in like a fat old cat. Hey! maybe this is why my cats sleep so much these days??? They are sick of winter too!
A couple of weeks ago Richard actually asked for a spell. How wierd is that?? I asked him, very tongue in cheek"Oh..are we believeing in magic now??" and his reply is that he'll believe in anything if it helps him close this huge case he has been working on. It would me a fantastic bonus next January and would allow us to reduce our debt substantially ANNNND perhaps put a down payment on some land in NS. Our debt is ridiculous compared to some folk. We are still paying for the business that we sold a year and a half ago. This is on top of credit cards, bills, mortgages, car payment.... To reduce our debt would be great. There'd be less month left at the end of the money!
So now my man seems to be less disbelieving. Interesting...............Very interesting. Makes me wish I was more adept and could show off or something...LOL
I miss the magical folk I know and love. Scarlet, Hobbes, Nathalie, Flavia......everyone. I'm tired of my self imposed sabbatical. Come on september...I want my level 2.
Until then I need more on Shekinah (Shekhina). I can't find much else online...very sketchy. Tomorrow is payday and I NEED that book The Hebrew Goddess by Raphael Patai. I tried to get it at Chapters in Point Clair but they were all out. I hate ordering things...I like my instant gratification.
I'm aaallll about the instant gratification........


scarletcougar said...

Ahhhh the miracles of the energy drink for tiredness like this. Supposedly, the nasty cold going around ends with a week of exhaustion. I had a blissfully productive day wired on an energy drink. ;) Honestly though, I don't have many of them... they make me sick if I have too many.

Ali P said...

you just don't want me to rant about your pancreas!! LOL
Aaaaaahhh(big laughing sigh)...I miss you Miss Scarlet.