Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Eating my words

Ok...I gave in and took a regular strength ibuprofen this morning for my aches...and another this afternoon. After 3 hot baths for the chills and mucho misery, I went and bought some Nyquil so's I can perhaps sleep tonight.
Somebody pass my some ketchup for my crow au vin.......


scarletcougar said...

Hmmm... hot bath. I will have to try that. Oh... be careful about meds. I took mine on an empty stomach. OY! take with food is not advice... its a direction to be followed like an order! I was sick and fetal and unconscious for 3 hrs.

Ali P said...

oh jeez...not good. I am lovin' my Nyquil. appetite not affected by this horrid flu at all and I am indulging in all my forbidden foods like bread and oranges etc. COMFORT!!!!