Monday, August 10, 2009

Socialization progress RE: cats

If you have no interest in hears MORE about those two furballs, then move along. I'm just trying to help you not waste your valuable time. :o)

Cooper, of the nasty eye and uncertain purrrsonality, seems to be coming out of his shell. He was described as "friendly but not people crazy" the way some Ragdolls can be. He avoided being petted but once in my arms he calmly submitted to the hman's desires of fondling his fur. Then he would skedaddle upon being set down.
We really thought at first that his nervous behaviour would be made worse in the mad house that can be our home and planned on leaving him behind. But I just couldn't do it. There was the possibility that he might blossom and come into his own as a cat and pet if given enough love, care, and respect. It seems to be paying off...or not depending on your perspective on hair sucking. And foot biting. he likes to bite feet of people.

Yes, Cooper has decided that in the middle of the night what he really really wants (I'll tell ya what he wants) is to nuzzle up to me purring maniacally and sniffling loudly and then finding the just right place on my head (usually a temple area) and start sucking and chewing on my hair where its shorter than elsewhere on my head. Why, yes I do know that this is nasty and creepy! Thanks for mentioning it but since I was the one with cat spit wettened hair, I am fully aware. I did not so much allow it as could not avoid it. I would remove as much hair as I could from his reach but short of throwing him away or shaving my head, there's not much to be done except discourage him. He doesn't discourage as easily as one might anticipate given his usual personality trait of running away at the approach of people.

Not only this but Harley gets in on it by paralysing me with the cute and needing his belly rubbed at the same time or pinning me down by laying on my chest and rolling and purring and making starfish paws so I am simultaneously relieving Cooper of my hair redirecting his face away from my hair and petting Harley...they are totally tag teaming me!

At 4 this morning we were awakened by the dynamic fur duo racing and wrestling in the hall outside our bedroom and then their pouncings and purrings in our bed (and the hair sucking and noisy nuzzlings..eeewwww). I think its safe to say that after two days in our home Cooper is A) beginning to socialise more positively than we'd hoped in so fast a time and B) he's feeling a lot better than his former listlessness indicated. A repeat of hair suckings and cute attackings happened around 9 AM as well. As my neice Teri Lynn said this morning (she of animal edumacation and smartyness) there is a lot to be said for care thats consistent and remains so until the condition is relieved. Here's hoping his snifflyness and weepy eye can be relieved. I will be staying on it until it is o or the vet says it can't be helped. Speaking of the vet, I don't want to take him in until I have a chance to improve his condition myself.

Now another subject: bathing cats. I am very nervous to attempt bathing the stnkiness that is super Cooper. He smells like cat pee(less than Saturday but still whiffy) and Harley still bears a slight odour of the cattery. The cleanliness liker in me desires them to be cleansed of that place but the human in me fears for my own safety if I try to bathe the cats. That and for their progress in settling into the home and family if I force them to suffer yet another indignity. Have you bathed cats? What do you think? I suppose I could go to a groomer....?


Snarsh said...

When nugget used to manage to dirty himself (he wasn't into cleaning himself properly in the beginning), JF would get into the shower with him. Of course this can ultimately lead to some nasty scratches but overall it worked pretty good. You could of course get in somewhat dressed (bathing suit). I would usually take the cat from him and wrap him in a towel and sit with him for a while.

Tara said...

You're a better woman than I am! I woulda sent that cat a-flyin' if he'd women me up to suck on my hair at 4 in the friggin' morning!

Veronik said...

I had to bathe Nin every so often, and Fly at least once. Nin used to be easy going enough, but never was!
To do it, I ran the bath until I had a few inches of water. In would go the cat, held firmly by the back of the neck. I followed with cat appropriate shampoo and rinsed with a toy bucket. I'd then drain the bath, still holding on to the cat. I always had a towel ready - neither of them ever scratched me, but Nin did meow miserably once she got wet...

Suldog said...

Good luck on bathing the cats. Only once in my life have I bathed a cat, and that was because he was absolutely filthy (had been fighting, and rolled in the mud with another cat - just a dirtball.) He fought hard, but I just held on and put him under the shower (being sure to not hit him in the eyes or whatever.) He was mad at me for a day or so, but then we cozied up again.

Anonymous said...

I've heard of showering with them too. I would suggest trimming their claws first...

CJ used to suck on the covers- she eventually stopped on her own. I love listening/watching her and Chance tear around the place- kitty mayhem!

Ali P said...

I bathed Cooper and it went ok. The blow dryer incident shall never be spoken of. Puncture wounds are not fun.

He does smell MUCH better. His claws were trimmed on Saturday so i suffered no scratches. I had multiple towels at the ready (I have bathed plenty of dogs in my lifetime). All was well until I thought maybe I should blow dry him. BAD IDEA. I think he has forgiven me.