Monday, September 08, 2008

Monday Morning..

It is 11 days to take off. My shrug cannot be ready for the trip because my knitting speed and skillz are officially stymied at the moment. I would cry but hey, I'm still going to Spain so......woohoo!
Hman had a buyer for the boat Saturday after only putting it on the market last week. Then he met with the buyers again yesterday, they all went for a sail so the buyers could get to know Lunasea. Hman wanted to be helpful and nice by doing that for them. They did the paper work and all was well until Hman was driving home and the buyers called saying they changed their minds. Apparently, while the sail was thrilling and fun for the husband, the wife was scared spitless (maybe when out there she realised she didn't want to sail with her inexperienced thrill seeking husband?).
So he had to go ALL the way back to give them back their cheque and get the paperwork etc. What a pain in the ass. He practically spent the weekend with these twits and took a thousand dollar drop in price, and then they call and say "We changed our mind!" AFTER the deal was DONE! As Kadi would say "F^cktards!". stupid is that?? Do you buy a house and an hour after the paperwork and all is DONE say you changed your mind and want your money back? Do you buy a car and pull that shit? The dealership would laugh at you! It cost them $400 to be so stupid, because Hman was somewhat annoyed.
Anyways, he called the person who had wanted to view the boat on Sunday (and he'd told them it was sold and cancelled the sunday viewing ), so now they are going to see the boat tomorrow. Hman asked them to be sure they knew the brand of boat and be sure that this is what they are looking for . In other words, please don't waste our time.
I went out knitting with Audrey yesterday. We went down into the old part of town here, and my goodness I love that part of our town. There are many cafes and bistros and an Irish pub and restaurants not to mention gift shops and boutiques. Audrey and I went to Brulerie Des Moulins, a cafe that roasts their own coffees. It was my first time to this cafe and I LOVED it!!!! Due to a chilly wind we moved in off the terrasse to the upstairs seating area and its bright and airy and in winter their is a fire place. I begged Audrey that we come back in winter and knit near the fireplace. How cozy! How quaint! They had awesome chocolate mousse cake and chocolate chip cookies and my iced tea and italian soda were yummy and refreshing.
We didn't go to the Irish pub ' Bar St. Patrick' because it doesn't open until 3 pm but we need to go there together sometime, with or without our significant others, for a beer. They serve Newcastle Brown! Yay!
So far thats it for today. Oh, and the late summer heat wave (can we call it that? maybe its a heat ripple?) is over. Yay! And Boo Hoo!

1 comment:

Tara said...

Sounds like you and Audrey had fun! I would have loved to go, but alas I had my head in a bucket of paint. Next time!