Monday, March 26, 2007


Yesterday we had an appointment to take our first look see at a sailboat for sale. It was a Grampian 34. We didn't have high hopes since the boat is over 30 years old but the price was kind of high so who knew? Maybe it would be in awesome condition??! Well, guess wasn't. What are some people thinking when the slap a price tag on something??
The interior was smelly and kind of dark. The centered cockpit, a design feature of the boat that we were curious to see meant a great deal of lost space. The cabins were not well laid out. Things were shabby and run down. Basically she would take a lot of work to make pretty and comfortable and obviously was not used for a lot of cruising...more for day sailing I think.
The sun canopy outside was shabby too with small holes here and there. Seriously, this guy is really looking for a sucker if he hopes to get his asking price. She may be seaworthy-ish but for that price on this boat one expects to see something really outstanding. Marla's man, who is my Oracle Of All Things Boaty so now we will call him OOATB, is a sailing enthusiast with LOTS of knowledge being a marine engineer and yacht surveyor. When I described to him the boat then gave him the price he let out a noise of surprise since the asking price, in his knowledgeable opinion, was DOUBLE what it should be for this boat. Besides the shabby factor, this boats design wasn't all that I had hoped. Getting around on deck was very tight, with little walking space on the sides..I am sure there is a technical term for this but I know nothing so i will call it the walky places on the sides.. There was barely space to put your feet!
So, one boat down, a few to go. We will be looking over a few in NS over the long weekend and are really looking forward to it since they are newer boats of better design (in our opinion).
The guys had neighbor boy overnight last night and it went surprisingly well. We really gotta let them have more sleep overs. My issue is that I can't communicate with the visitor very well so it raises my stress level. Last night was an unplanned spontaneous sleep over. Remember those? When ya beg your mom to let your bestest friend to sleepover pleeeeeeeeaaaase? I remember those. Man, I was always either at my friend's place or she was at mine. Good times. When I was really young is was my friend Sonya. Then in grade six it was Lisa. Later it was Lisa or Carrie Anne.
I wonder how they all are doing.
Sweater moves slowly since I have to purl each second row and I am an ambivalent purler. Had dreams about having my needles break and needing to return them because they were flawed or something. What I really need is more hands and a housekeeper because I cannot knit fast enough to satisfy my own need for getting it done and starting a new project. I refuse to fall into the trap that I usually set for myself..the one where I don't finsih things because a new idea steals my attention. The sock in my purse is for knitting while HM drives us somewhere and the sweater is for knitting on at home. But I want to knit other things too like a sweater for Cammie, for me, more socks, mittens, more sweaters, hats....
Know what it is? Its the yarn. Its so tempting and inspiring that it make syou itch to get something else on the needles. I refuse. I am being STRONG dammit.
But oh geez that new Colinette sock yarn at Ginette's is driving me crazy with its siren's song............

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