Thursday, June 01, 2006


So, after a scolding from Edith I sent my article to Sage Woman. I did it. Really. Now the wait begins. If they email me back will I remember that I sent them an article? I'm assuming it will take many moons for a reply. I took the leap and there we have it.
Now I need to do more laundry. And more article ideas. Hmmmm..."My Favorite Nap" 'What Kelly Said on Tv Today" "Vodka..Its not just for breakfast anymore" "Why Yawns Are Contagious and Other Universal Mysteries"......
Just a bit of brainstorming....heehheeeeeee
oop washer dinged.........


Kris said...

Congrats on taking that brave step into sending off material. I get these wonderful butterflies in my stomach as soon as the thick envelope filled with my MS and query letters, etc. leaves my hand and goes into the big box of postal letters. I know the wait is tremendous sometimes, but when it happens, it's spectacular. Besides, I've learned origami with all those great "personal" rejection letters LOL. *sigh*

Ali P said...

Edith is peeved that I don't "do something" with my writing. Like what? Wallpaper the bathroom?? Once in a while something good pops out..I can't do much with once and awhile but this time I am trying. :o)