Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I am now The Compost Queen!

Tonight I got my Mother's Day gift. A tumbling composter. I have wanted one for years! Yay me!
Also, I haven't missed out on that maple tree scrap down the street. Now..do I dare a covert night time raid or go for the brazen broad daylight approach. Conundrum wrapped in a riddle wrapped in a ponderin'...
Also we got Krispy Kreme donuts on the way home. I am sooooo sugared up and happy.


WitchHazel said...

ooooh, I have one too...now, if I could just figure out how to use it properly...last year's batch of compost didn't work out so well. LOL...

Ali P said...

Gotta balance the driy browns and the wet greens. There is a good book called Let It Rot!
Always gotta stir it though or it doesn't work fast enough.